Biblical reflection
The Bible understands creation as a continuing process, and not in the first place as an event long time ago. The Book of Psalms praises God as creator and provider, related to the experiences of each new day and its gracious promise of life. “When you send forth your spirit, they [all beings] are created; and you renew the face of the ground” (Psalm 104:30). Time never stands still. As individuals and societies, we constantly experience changes, often as growth and movement. It is not possible to stop time or move backwards to times that used to be. Those who plough, must not look back, Jesus asserts (Luke 9:62). To plough means to prepare the soil for growth and for the future. Many of the parables that Jesus told point in the same direction; the parable of the mustard seed that grew and became a huge tree (Luke 13:31–32) underscores the powerful potential hidden in a tiny seed. Faith gives reason to hope, including hope in a future with better conditions for justice and peace. Innovation is the same as renewal. All God’s creatures carry in themselves the power for renewal and transformation. As God’s co-workers, we all share in this power; each one of us is called to transformation (Romans 12:2), in our own life and in the society to which we belong.Questions
- Give examples of where renewal has led to positive change, creating a better society for everyone to live in. What are the characteristics of this kind of renewal?
- How would you describe good and sustainable infrastructure?
The world has evolved thanks to large and small inventions from far and near. Do you have an idea for something that could solve a problem or make society better? Do you know of anyone working on innovation for a sustainable world?
Holy Spirit, Wisdom, inspire us And let us use our abilities and ideas for the common good. Help us build bridges and communities, Make plans and roads, So that people can meet and be satisfied And nature can continue to flourish. We commit everything and everyone, into your hands, Lord. Amen.