The Sustainability Book

SDG: 10

Reduced inequalities

SDG 10: Reduced inequalities


  • What problems does rising inequality create in relation to sustainable development?
  • The Old Testament prophets criticised the elite of that time for building their wealth on injustices and abuse of power. Is that a relevant issue in our time?

SDG 10: Reduced inequalities


Which actors in your local community help to reduce the economic inequalities between citizens? Can you do anything to strengthen this work?

Is there anything you can do to put inequality (locally, nationally or internationally) on the political agenda?

SDG 10: Reduced inequalities


Lord Jesus Christ, you do not discriminate between people, Make us more like you. Grant us wisdom and the will to share. Let greed be lost to justice, And give us the courage to accept one another across our divides. We commit everything and everyone, into your hands, Lord. Amen.
